I have a passion for e-magazines ! They are filled with gorgeous images! Like this one from Mowie Kay Ho una passione per le riviste on line...
I have a passion for e-magazines ! They are filled with gorgeous images! Like this one from Mowie Kay Ho una passione per le riviste on line...
What will you do on New Year's Eve? Me.....mmmm...with a little one and a nearly 3 years old rascal... well, I will just stay with my fa...
If I have to say which colour is Christmas for me, I will immediately say: Red and White! So with these pictures I want to wish you a Merry ...
Sapete quanto io ami i libri! Oggi vi voglio portare in un mondo di fiaba, un bosco popolato da una comunità di operosi topolini di campagna...
I'm on the home stretch now....as of tomorrow, I'm officially on holidays. And I can't wait! It's been a huge year, albeit a...
Disegual chairs, industrial lamp, shabby table in a white beautiful house! Sedie non uguali, lampadario industriale, tavolo shabbato in una ...
This year I've seen a lot of paper decorations for Christmas and I really love them! But, as I haven't so much time, this year I hav...
Happy Monday my dearests! Today I want to show you the home dressed for Christmas of one of my fave blog: Dear Lillie . Buon lunedì mie cari...
Yes! A brand new graphic for my blog! I was thinking about it for a long time and I finally did it! Sì!! Una grafica tutta nuova per il mio ...
As 2011 draws to a close, I'm busily packaging and posting my last orders for the year. So I thought I'd offer one last freebie befo...
I know that this house has been featured in so many blogs, but I just love it! I love the all white! So che questa casa è stata presentata ...