I've got a little sitting area in here, where I can arrange works in progress on the wall, play around with colour schemes and textures, and arrange vignettes to my heart's content. It's also a nice, sunny space to relax with a magazine or two, and my family often come for a chat while I paint. Btw, I've shared some rather tragic before pics here if you're interested in all the gory details!
In the opposite corner, are my large canvases. I have lots of works in progress, completed paintings, fresh canvases, my experiments (of which there are many!) and lots of different bits and pieces. There's also a newly-commissioned painting similar to this one, in its inital stages.
Whe I first started Driftwood Interiors, my gorgeous friend Suzi gave me this. Isn't it stunning? I absolutely love it, and it takes pride of place in this room, as a reminder of great friends and the wonderful support they've given me.
These are a few of my tools of trade, and at the moment, I'm loving this Windsor and Newton travel set, which I've been using to paint some of my watercolours. And as you can see, my trusty water tub has been well-used over the years!
Under the pretty white cover in the previous photo, is this. When I'm painting, I like to cover my tabletop with heavy cotton duck, and use it as a drop sheet/doodle pad/colour sampler etc. A friend of mine suggested cutting it and framing it as well, as an abstract!
I've popped a couple of my Sea Fan paintings in simple white frames, and hung them on the wall. I'm also using some different frames and styles, and will post pics as soon as they're finished. It helps me to look at the big picture (pardon the pun!) and how they'll appear in situ.
My rattan settee, which I gave a fresh coat of white paint (you can see the before here) is still with me too! My client went with an old silky oak day bed instead, so I happily kept it here. It's still not finished, as I haven't recovered the seat cushion, but for now it's covered in some summery Ralph Lauren loveliness.
I must apologise for being a little awol on the blog scene lately. It's been so crazy around here at the moment, with so many painting orders to fill (thanks so much everyone, your support has been amazing!) and the ongoing design projects I'm already working on, that I've been so slack with commenting on all of your wonderful blogs. I have been visiting you all, but haven't had the time to comment, but I'll make sure I do better, I promise. Don't want to be the recipient of the 'Bad Blogger Award' now, do I?

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