Thank you all for your sweet words, Sofia is better today... but we need to sleep!! Let's hope that this weekend we can have some rest! ...
Thank you all for your sweet words, Sofia is better today... but we need to sleep!! Let's hope that this weekend we can have some rest! ...
So..imagine my surprise when I got an email from my lovely blog buddy Kerry over at A Tranquil Townhouse , telling me that my bathroom renov...
Just can't help myself...had to post just a few more images from my inspiration folder. Little pieces in these rooms helped form the des...
Today my little Sofia has a temperature, nothing serious, but she hasn't been the sweet little rascal as always. She is in bed now and I...
Par Courrier has just opened a new boutique in Stockholm! I love these cushions!!!
So..today has been busy. And really exciting, because I've been working on some big plans for this house of mine... Now my hubby is on a...
Yesterday it was a FANTASTIC day: sun shining in a blue sky ! We decided to spend the morning at the flea market of Piazzola sul Brenta, wh...