Now my hubby is on a course for work at the moment, and I have a crazy idea...I'm going to take on a seriously big makeover while he's away. Hopefully he's as excited about it as I am (fingers crossed!), but loving the way my home looks, and the way it makes me feel, is really important to me and I know he'll be happy with whatever I do.
So, I may be a little scarce over the next few days. But just wait till I show you what I've been up to. I really hope it looks like I imagine it will, but one thing's for sure, it won't ever look the same again!
There's no way I can bring myself to post without including some pretty pictures, so here's some of the beautiful rooms that have inspired this crazy idea of mine.
Holly over at Life in the Fun Lane's lovely bedroom
..and the before
Chris at Just Beachy installed all of this panelling herself - is there nothing this girl can't do?
Now this post wouldn't be complete without Layla and Kevin's fantastic kitchen re-do, when this was the before...
and after...
and how about what Lauren from Pure Style Home did with this bedroom
to turn it into this
See you all soon!

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