The blue hutch has the original, crazed painted finish, which is just gorgeous, so I'm looking for a new finish for the interior. I'm leaning towards painting, to complement the simple, rustic appearance:
...maybe something simple like this:
The second piece has been varnished a truly awful, streaky brown, which will soon be covered in a fresh coat of paint. So with that in mind, I'm thinking I might zhush this one up with a wallpapered interior:
...but I might just throw caution to the wind, and go for something like this gorgeous green chinoiserie paper, used here by Ruthie Sommers:
...or this vibrant yellow de gournay number...
So, what do you think? Do you have a preference for brightly coloured interiors, soft, subdued, chalky pastels - or maybe a dramatic black and white stripe? I'd love to know what you'd choose!
It's school holidays here in Queensland (yay!) but instead of leisurely sleep-ins, I'll be spending much of the first week watching my son compete in a state football carnival, so I may be a little scarce over the next few days. Fingers crossed the weather stays nice and dry!
Have a great week everyone,

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