Now, I just so happen to have a few dining tables stashed away in my shed. I know I sound like a crazy hoarder type, but really, how could I pass up the chance to buy antique timber turned-leg tables for next to nix? But - there's one little problem - at the moment, the largest of the tables has a nasty chip-board top. To replace it, I can't decide whether to go for lovely, recycled timber (either limed or painted white), or I might just top it with a piece of marble I also happen to have in the shed (don't judge me!) So, you know the drill, what do you think? Here are some ideas I like, and I'd love your opinions as usual.
a vision in white by the oh-so-talented Atlanta Bartlett
recycled timber via White Flower Farmhouse
marble + timber = gorgeous! Atlanta Bartlett's handiwork again
marble + white timber - is this the winning combination? via Domino mag
Oh, and don't forget this table will be paired with my soon-to-be-revamped mirror, with a sideboard underneath. I always have the same problem when making these decisions - I like so many different looks. But I need to remind myself that nothing has to be forever, so my plan is to choose a look for as long as I like it, and then change it up again!
Hope you're all having a great day,

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