"China Blue"
watercolour on paper
8" x 11" (210mm x 297mm)
original on hold, but prints are now available on Etsy
But this isn't the only new blue and white piece around here. On the weekend, I was shopping with Mum and stumbled across this beauty:
I'm not sure if you can tell from the pic, but this vase is pretty big...almost 60cm high. I spotted it in a market stall, and couldn't race across fast enough to snap it up. And even better, I paid the princely sum of $26 for it - total bargain. Of course, mum is trying to steal it off me, but for now I'm not parting with it.
there are four panels around the vase, each with a different scene. Gorgeous.
So, what do you think of my bargain buy? I used to go antiquing every weekend, visiting junk shops and garage sales, until my shed was full to the brim (actually, it still is). This was my first buy for quite a while, so maybe I should get out there again. Probably best if I don't mention that to the Mr, especially with a reno on the horizon.
That's it for me today, I have some serious work to do. Catch you soon,

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