This is the first in a new series, and there are lots more to come. The colours are so gorgeous, and as well as these beautiful blues, there will be vibrant yellows, oranges, black and white - something for everyone. To me, these look best en mass, and I'll be framing the originals with simple, streamlined black frames to really make the colours pop. There are quite a few surprises that I'll reveal closer to the exhibition date (think big, bold and beautiful!), so if you'd like me to add you to my mailing list, drop me a line or message me, and you'll be the first to know.
I've found a few pretty pics to give you an idea of how you can use paintings like these to make a real statement.
via decor8 - so pretty
more restrained and curated
via my good friend Martha....and look, there are some feathers too.
Now I realise these aren't butterflies, but the repetition and symmetry is what really works here, and those prints could be any subject - botanical, sea plants, get my drift. By Stephen Gambrel
Thanks for everyone who emailed over the past few weeks - I'm back in the land of the living again, and I really appreciate your concern. On track again and looking forward to getting stuck in to some new projects - can't wait!

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