Ever since I started writing this blog, I've loved to post about beautiful homes. There is a gorgeous old Queenslander here in Brisbane that was listed for sale after a complete overhaul. A short time later, it was on the market again, with a completely different look (you can check out the full post here). Well, as luck would have it, it's now the home of our very own Melinda Boundy, of Lily G. Of course, it's looking better than ever now - so much so that it's just been featured in not one, but two magazines.
The above images are from the new Queensland Homes Gold Annual 2012, and were snapped by photographer John Downs (a really nice guy who was kind enough to send me these pics - thanks so much John).
How lovely is this frame Melinda chose? And by floating the paper on the mount, those lovely deckled edges were highlighted perfectly.
Want to see more (and let's face it, who wouldn't?). Well, grab yourself a copy of this month's Australian Women's Weekly:
photography by Simon Kenny, words by Catherine Shields
Looks great, doesn't it? No wonder the glossies are knocking her door down for a chance to feature it. And how great it is to see the same home, decorated so differently? I know which is my favourite, of course :)
Hope you all had a great day yesterday - the sunshine was short-lived and we're back to rainy and miserable today. Oh, and for those who've asked - I've finished the book and it's a cracker. I'll be back next week with a little review, so pop back in for the full rundown.
Have a great weekend,

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