Hope you all had a lovely Easter break. It was so nice to kick back, relax and enjoy the extended long weekend, and generally take it easy. I took the chance to work on my renovation/building plans, so the first port of call was my chock-a-block full inspiration folder. I actually have quite a few - some where I keep all my tear sheets, and my computer files, where I stash everything and anything that takes my fancy. I spent some time revisiting my favourites, and came across these pics of Collette Dinnigan's two gorgeous Paddington homes. I've posted about these before, but they're so lovely I couldn't resist going back for another helping.
simple, clean and just plain gorgeous
love love
all images via domain.com.au
Now, my home is no heritage sandstone cottage, and somehow I'm guessing my budget is somewhat more limited than Collette's, but there's plenty here that could work in any home. A restrained palette, clean lines, but a relaxed, comfortable feel at the same time. Very nice indeed, and inspiration galore, in more ways than one. More on that later!

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