I whipped up this little Easter egg tree - nothing too elaborate of course, just a little something to set the mood.
source unknown - sorry
And then my good friend Martha called, and we had a little chat about what she could do to decorate her little farm.....she always likes the place to look nice, and I was only too happy to give her a few tips. That's how I roll.
My bestie - Martha
But by far the most taxing job I'll be tackling over the next few days is the yearly Easter Egg Hunt. It's a family tradition that we've carried on since the crew were babies, and in spite of the fact that they're all well into their teens, each year we hide a stash of eggs in every conceivable place throughout our two-plus acre property. That's the easy part. The hard part is making up more cryptic and clever clues every year, and finding new places to stash the eggs.
my favourite chocolate - Haigh's. Delish
Our biggest shed is always a great place, but not sure the eggs would last too long this year....we have a visitor:
He's a carpet snake - completely harmless, although not if you're a possum...or a chook. This guy left us a little present a week or so ago - a newly shed skin. It measures 11 feet from head to tail, so he's a reasonable size. Our neighbours have lost a few of their chickens lately, including their rooster, and they found the culprit at the scene of the crime, with a suspicious rooster-shaped lump in his belly. So I'm guessing a few easter eggs wouldn't stand a chance.
Anyhoo, I'm off to make a start on the clues. What do you guys have planned for the Easter break? Any fabulous family traditions? I'd love to hear all about them.
Happy Easter to you and yours,

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